
Movie Review: Anyone but You Directed by Will Gluck

  Introduction Romantic comedies often provide the perfect blend of humor, love, and a bit of drama, and Anyone but You , directed by Will Gluck, is a prime example of this delightful mix. Now streaming on Netflix, this film captures the essence of the rom-com genre with its engaging storyline and charming characters. However, while the movie largely succeeds in delivering a classic romantic comedy experience, there's one aspect that left me feeling somewhat uneasy, which I'll discuss later. Plot Summary Anyone but You centers on the lives of Ben and Beatrice, two people who experience love at first sight. Their instant connection sets the stage for a love story filled with humor, misunderstandings, and heartfelt moments. Despite their mutual feelings, a series of personal insecurities and miscommunications keep them from confessing their love for each other. As the years pass, their lives are marked by frequent squabbles and missed opportunities, highlighting the deep connect

"Space Cadet": A Journey of Hope and Irony

  Introduction Movies have a powerful way of shaping our perspectives, often reflecting and sometimes challenging the prevailing ideologies of the times. "Space Cadet," a film recently released on Amazon Prime, is a prime example of this. It tells a story that instills hope in those who once didn't take life seriously. The irony, however, lies in the fact that we were once bombarded with messages about living life to the fullest, seizing every moment, and experiencing everything with the motto "You only live once." Now, as we reach a certain age, a movie like "Space Cadet" emerges, bringing with it a different kind of message. The Premise of "Space Cadet" "Space Cadet" follows the journey of a young protagonist who, much like many of us in our younger years, doesn't take life seriously. They drift through their days with a carefree attitude, indulging in the pleasures of the moment without much thought for the future. However, a

The Legacy of Love: A Grandmother's Culinary Ibadah

Growing up, Amina had always been fascinated by her grandmother's unwavering dedication to cooking. From the moment the sun peeked over the horizon to the time it dipped below, her grandmother's life revolved around the kitchen. The aroma of spices, the sizzling of pans, and the warmth of homemade meals were constants in their home. To young Amina, it seemed as though her grandmother cooked out of boredom or perhaps just a sheer love for it. However, a profound realization awaited her, one that would change her understanding of her grandmother's legacy forever. A Daily Ritual of Love Amina's grandmother had a unique routine. Every morning, she would rise before the first call to prayer, performing her ablutions and engaging in her morning prayers. With the early light, she would then head to the kitchen, her sanctuary. Her day was meticulously planned around meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between. Breakfast: Amina woke up to the smell of freshly ba

Characteristics of Humans During the End of Time According to Islam

Introduction The concept of the end of time, or "Qiyamah," is a significant aspect of Islamic eschatology. According to Islamic teachings, numerous signs will precede the Day of Judgment, reflecting a transformation in human behavior and societal norms. This blog post explores the characteristics of humans during the end of time from an Islamic perspective, drawing on teachings from the Quran and Hadith. The Signs of the End Times Islamic eschatology details various signs that indicate the approach of the end of time. These signs are categorized into minor and major, with the minor signs appearing gradually over time and the major signs occurring closer to Qiyamah. Understanding these signs provides insight into the behavioral and moral changes expected in humanity. Minor Signs Moral Decline : One of the foremost minor signs is the widespread decay in moral values. People will increasingly engage in sinful activities, such as dishonesty, theft, and fornication, without remors

What Is Left When All You Do Is Hate the Life You're Living?

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, moments of joy and sorrow, triumphs and setbacks. For some, the downsides can overshadow the good, leading to a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and even hatred towards life. This sentiment, though common, is deeply troubling. What remains for a person if all they do is hate the life they are living? Let’s explore the ramifications of this mindset and how to find a path forward. The Burden of Constant Negativity Living with a constant sense of hatred towards life is a heavy burden. It affects every aspect of existence, from personal relationships to professional achievements. This negativity can manifest in various ways: Mental Health Struggles : Chronic dissatisfaction and hatred can lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. The mind becomes a battleground, constantly fighting negative thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. Physical Health Declin e: The mind and body are interconnected. Persistent negative emotions can

My Experience at a Mandatory Marriage Course in Malaysia

Last weekend, I attended a marriage course, a mandatory requirement for Muslim couples in Malaysia planning to get married. This includes first-time marriages, individuals who have previously divorced, and those intending to marry more than one person. The course is designed to provide essential knowledge and skills to help build a strong foundation for marriage. The course covers ten chapters, ranging from Tasawwur (Islamic worldview) to family health management. Each chapter is thoughtfully crafted to address different aspects of married life, ensuring couples are well-prepared for their journey together. While all the chapters were informative, one that particularly stood out to me was Family Health Management. During this chapter, the speaker, a knowledgeable doctor, shared crucial information about common health issues, particularly focusing on the three top cancers: lung cancer in men, breast cancer in women, and colon cancer, which affects both genders. I found myself sharing th

Movie Review: "Your Place or Mine" on Netflix

Netflix's "Your Place or Mine" is a charming addition to the romantic comedy genre, bringing back a familiar face: Ashton Kutcher. Known for his memorable roles in rom-coms like "No Strings Attached" and "What Happens in Vegas," it's been a while since we've seen Kutcher in this type of role. Fans will notice he looks a bit different—slimmer, but still retaining that endearing, boyish charm that makes him perfect for this genre. The film centers on two friends, Peter (Ashton Kutcher) and Debbie (Reese Witherspoon), who share a history of a one-time hookup during their high school years. Life's twists and turns led them to become close friends, despite their unresolved feelings. This relationship dynamic is beautifully explored throughout the movie, highlighting the complexity of emotions and the difficulty of navigating love and friendship simultaneously. One of the most engaging aspects of "Your Place or Mine" is how it portrays